Saturday, September 25, 2021

Soapstone Mountain, CT: Off-Roading

From the summit of Soapstone Mountain, CT

Super fun day on 3 #trails in the Soapstone Mountain area!
I learned a lot about my Toyota #4runner taking it offroading for the very first time! After meeting in the parking lot, we drove up the paved road to the summit lookout. Then we headed down to the dirt trail across the street from the parking lot where the dirt terrain was level with a few mud puddles. After that trail, we continued about 3-4 miles down the street to go get muddy. The terrain was level in this area, but there were lots of mud puddles - weeee! I put my 4Runner in High 4WD and used the multi-terrain selector for this last section. The day ended with checking out the "Mud Pit." I know my rig is more than capable for offroading terrain, I just need to learn the ins and outs of all of its off-roading modes! And I didn't realize how much fun it was to take my 4Runner into the mud! LOL!  I had a blast and it was such a cool way of getting out and also meeting other offroad enthusiasts. Enjoy this short video of the trail.
This #offroad meet hosted by @Offroad_Passion

#girlswhooffroad #4runner #4runnernation #4runneroffroad #toyota #trd #mudtrails 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

My Decade of Climbing

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

I wanted to post this last year, but I held off until now with everything going on with Covid. May 2020 marked 10 years of climbing for me. It's not a very long time, but long enough to have some experiences I'd like to share.

The Good - It started as a bucket list. I had only heard of rock climbing after receiving mail from my local YMCA advertising climbing classes. Not knowing what to expect, I signed up for 6 private 1-hour lessons for $99. That was May 2010 and by August, my instructor had brought me to Rumney Rocks in NH where I lead some easy sport routes on the Venus Wall. After my 6-private lessons, my instructor suggested I look into joining some climbing meetup groups and try out MetroRock in Newburyport. I joined 3 climbing meetup groups, two of which were run by women. It was such a good experience climbing in the two meetup groups run by women, I have met some amazing people and have experienced so many fun and challenging climbing sessions I will never forget. But unfortunately, these two women's meetup groups closed down and it was too bad because they were ahead of their time! And after almost 8 years, I left the third climbing meetup group.

The Bad - The third meetup group was run by a guy and most of its members were men. Eventually, I came to realize that if I stayed in this meetup group, there was a good chance I wouldn't gain any leading experience like some of the other men in the group were afforded - especially after the organizer told me that I was only good enough for organizing indoor meetups. I even tried setting up climbing with him several times so I could demonstrate that I could be a safe partner, but I was always turned down. I didn't want to waste any more of my time waiting for the organizer to decide for me when I was going to lead outdoors, so I moved on and found other folks/groups to climb with. Once I moved on, I was able to lead and have been so much happier!

The Ugly - When there is drama from an insecure spouse/significant other/partner of a climbing partner, then it's splitsville for me. I never dreamed this would happen to me and was totally caught off-guard. I had never done any alpine-type ice climbing and TJ was willing to bring me up as his second. I was pretty stoked about getting out on routes I had never climbed. But apparently, his girlfriend wasn't too happy about it. My being happily married didn't matter either, it didn't prevent jealousy from his insecure girlfriend. Since insecurity can't be fixed by anyone else except for the person who is feeling it, I stopped climbing with TJ. I didn't want to have to deal with his girlfriend's drama and I wanted her creepy emails to stop. And it wasn't my job to make his girlfriend feel secure. My guess is that she probably didn't have any problems with his male climbing friends.

As I said, I haven't been climbing for very long, but over the years I've seen that climbing has evolved. I see more women and people of color out climbing. And because of this, it's been easier for me to find other climbers that I can relate to.

Through the years, I've also learned important qualities when choosing my climbing partners. Most importantly, to be a good climbing partner to my partners - and for me, that means being an attentive belayer, prioritizing safety, and being a reliable partner. I've sifted through people and many experiences to get where I now have climbing partners that I feel safe with, am comfortable with, and whose company I genuinely enjoy.

So there it is! Just a few of my experiences since I started climbing in 2010 that I wanted to share! I can't wait to see what the next 10 will bring!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Turning 60 & Climbing About It!

It's 2019 and it's the big 6-0 this year! Yes, I turn 60 July 10th and what better way to celebrate than to climb, climb, climb throughout the entire year! My big 60 goal would be to make 60 outdoor climbing pitches by the end of 2019! All disciplines (except bouldering...weeellllll....maybe bouldering!), either on top rope or on lead. I've enlisted the help of my climbing friends and I'm also looking for more to help me on my climbing journey. Follow along on my blog or let's get out to climb!

60 Pitches and Counting!

# of Pitches - Route/Crag - Location - Type - Date
1 - Trestle Slab, Frankenstein Cliffs, Ice Climbing - 1.7.2019
2 - Moss Slab, Stonehouse Pond, Ice Climbing - 1.11.2019
4 - Moss Slab, Stonehouse Pond, Ice Climbing - 1.13.2019
2 - Moss Slab, Stonehouse Pond, Ice Climbing - 1.26.2019
4 - Leprechaun's Lement, Kinsman Notch, Ice Climbing - 2.17.2019
4 - North End Pillars, Cathedral Ledge, Ice Climbing - 2.25.2019
3 - Parking Lot Wall, Rumney, Ice Climbing - 3.2.2019
7 - Moss Slab, Stonehouse Pond, Ice Climbing - 3.3.2019
1 - North End Slab, Cathedral Ledges, Ice Climbing - 3.11.2019
5 - Lost In The Forest, Frankenstein Cliffs, Ice Climbing - 3.17.2019
2 - Parasol Gully, Dixville Notch, Ice Climbing - 4.14.2019
3 - Deer Leap, Rock Climbing, Killington, VT - 5.12.2019
2 - Ship's Prow, Rattlesnake Rocks, MA, Rock Climbing - 5.25.2019
3 - Main Cliff & Meadows, Rumney Rocks, NH - 5.27.2019
5 - Rattlesnake Rocks, MA Rock Climbing, - 6.1.2019
6 - Buffalo Corral, Rumney Rocks, NH - 6.9.2019
4 - Mt. Forist, Rock Climbing, Berlin, NH - 6.22.2019
6 - DLM Memorial - Multi-Pitch Rock Climbing, Mt. Forist, Berlin, NH - 7.4.2019
5 - Buffalo Pit & Buffalo Corral, Rumney Rocks, NH - 7.6.2019
2 - Redrocks, Gloucester, MA - 7.14.2019
4 - Parking Lot Wall, Rumney Rocks, NH - 8.3.2019
1 - Marlow, NH - 8.11.2019
2 - Farley Ledges, MA - 9.28.2019
2 - Thin Air, Cathedral Ledge, NH - 9.29.2019
3 - Ice Cream Parlor, UT - 10.26.2019
4 - Parking Lot Wall & Meadows, Rumney Rocks, NH - 11.1.2019
2 - Leprechaun's Lement, Kinsman Notch, Ice Climbing - 12.22.2019

Monday, January 18, 2021

Top 25 Climbing Blogs of 2021

Hawaii Girl Adventures Blog has been selected as the Top 25 Climbing Blogs of 2021 by The Adventure Junkies! Thank you TAJ and congratulations to the other climbing blogs that made the list!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Evening Blues - Multi Pitch Rock Climbing

Met up with Nuno for some fall climbing at Longstack Precipice in Alton, NH. Nuno lead P1 of Evening Blues (5.7) and I finished up by leading P2. At the top of P2 of Evening Blues I met and spoke with guide Jonathan Fouser. 

Onto Coyote Rain, Nuno lead P1. On my turn to climb, I couldn't make it over the roof. When I did this climb 5 years ago with Kevin D. leading, I had no problems getting over that roof. It was fun and easy. But nowadays, I don't care for roofs and overhangs....getting old! LOL! So Nuno lowered me and we called it a day! Such a beautiful day for climbing with amazing fall foliage views. Enjoy some photos of our day.

At 1.5 miles of Rines Road in Alton, drive through the first gate and sign for the Knight’s Pond Conservation Area. Go to the very end and park in the parking lot with a kiosk. Large boulders border the parking lot. Between two boulders is a shortcut path. This is the climber's path to the Longstack area.

Take the half-mile path to the intersection of the dirt logging road. Follow for a few minutes and on your left a “climbers path” is marked with a cairn - there may be some overgrowth near the start of this path but there is def a path here. Follow this well-worn path to the base of the Indigenous Wall.

Great lead by Nuno!
P1 of Evening Blues

Looking up at P2 from the P1 belay
of Evening Blues

Bringing Nuno up P2 of Evening Blues

Before we left I got a photo of Louisa
bringing Dan up P1 of Evening Blues

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Buffalo Corral - Rock Climbing


Top of Stampede (5.8)

Met up with Nuno at the Buffalo Corral in Rumney, NH for some crag climbing! What a great morning - a bit chilly but it warmed up nicely as the day went on. Worked our way from right to left of the Slab Wall and finished off at the Book Of Sins on the Small Wall. 

Looking down from the top of Ghost Pine (5.6)

Nuno at the top of Bison Burger (5.7)

Nuno at the top of Stampede (5.8)

Our last leads at the Corral was on the Book Of Sins, 5.5 (below). Fun leading this way-too-short route. And today it wasn't as dirty, wet, and mossy like it was back in July 2019!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Redrocks Gloucester - Rock Climbing

The Masters Wall

Spent the morning climbing at Redrocks with Jeni. We had planned to climb at the "Down Under Wall" but couldn't find it, so we headed to the Main Wall. We started by each leading Roll The Bones 5.6, a sport route on the left side of the Main Wall. Since it was Jeni's first time at Redrocks, I wanted to set up a top rope on the center of the Main wall, particularly The Zipper. But a party of 7 was already setup, complete with two hammocks. :) So we climbed Luck Of The Irish 5.8 and The Vatican 5.7 on the Masters Wall. Then finish on The Pink Floyd Wall climbing Meddle 5.6, And I gave the Unnamed Bolted Face 5.10 a try but could only get up to its first bolt.

Jeni on Meddle (5.6)

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

2020 Labor Day Weekend Climbing

Part of the Main wall at Redrocks, Gloucester

It was a fun and chill Labor Day weekend of climbing! Enjoy some candid shots of our day!

Met up with Jen & Ben, and Spider on Saturday to climb at Rumney Rocks, NH. 

Then climbed with Nuno on Monday at Redrocks in Gloucester, MA. Kailani was brought along to the crag by other climbers, but I had to get a photo of her, she's so cute!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Main Wall, Dorset Street Crag - Rock Climbing

From the top of the Dorset Street Crag 
The bolted anchors are just above the "Deception" route

Another adventure with Iskuhi! We finally got out to the Dorset Street Crag near Annisquam, MA. We decided to park off North Bennett Street so we could just hike to the top of the crag and drop top ropes. We found the parking along North Bennett street, but we couldn't find a trail from the street. However, further up the street, we did find a trail that went down to Dorset Drive. On Dorset Drive, we walked towards Washington Street and saw the crag on our left. If there was a trail to the crag from Washington Street we didn't find it. So we just bushwhacked in from Dorset Drive.

We passed this area on the trail from North Bennet Street to Dorset Drive

We set up a top rope for a couple of climbs on the left side of the Main Wall. It was so hot and humid, and the rock was super slick. 
But it sure was fun to get out for a couple of morning laps. It was pretty buggy there as well and although I used bug spray, I still got bit. Got sunburn as well and scraped up my right shin pretty good from jamming the crack of Deception, so next time I'll remember to wear long pants. The top of the crag is just 60 feet or so from North Bennett Street so we exited that way, then walked a bit up the road to our cars. We plan to come back in the fall when the temps are cooler - so I took coordinates of the top of the trail at the North Bennett Street using my iPhone's Compass app. Enjoy a few photos taken of our day at the Dorset Street Crag. 

Lots of natural pro for top rope anchors on this ledge

 The Corner (5.10+) in the Quarry area

Daedalus (5.6) in the Slabs area

Chip off the Old Block (5.7) in the Slabs area

Beginner's Route (5.5) on the Main Wall

Rope on Slippery When Wet (5.8+) on the Main Wall

Rope at the top of Deception (5.8+) & Mixed Up (5.8)
Note the broken tree to the left of the rope.

The Main Wall area

YouTube Channel - Hawaii Girl Adventures

Check out my YouTube channel at:  Hawaii Girl Adventures I will eventually be phasing out blog posts and be posting videos of my climbing, h...