The Masters Wall
Spent the morning climbing at Redrocks with Jeni. We had planned to climb at the "Down Under Wall" but couldn't find it, so we headed to the Main Wall. We started by each leading Roll The Bones 5.6, a sport route on the left side of the Main Wall. Since it was Jeni's first time at Redrocks, I wanted to set up a top rope on the center of the Main wall, particularly The Zipper. But a party of 7 was already setup, complete with two hammocks. :) So we climbed Luck Of The Irish 5.8 and The Vatican 5.7 on the Masters Wall. Then finish on The Pink Floyd Wall climbing Meddle 5.6, And I gave the Unnamed Bolted Face 5.10 a try but could only get up to its first bolt.
Jeni on Meddle (5.6)