Trashcan Rock at Quail Springs
This spot was starting to get busy with climbers
Solo hiking the Hidden Valley Trail
Turtle Rock
This area is opposite of the Hidden Valley Trailhead
You can see a school of climbers in the lower left
Turtle Rock
This area is opposite of the Hidden Valley Trailhead
You can see a school of climbers in the lower left
Echo Rock
On my way to the Barker Dam trailhead, I passed this beautiful slab!
You can see some climbers on the right!
Solo hiking the Barker Dam Trail
On my way out of the Barker Dam trailhead area I took a drive through the Hidden
Valley Campground. Super cool and would definitely camp here if I were with a
group. The rock formations surrounding this campsite were full of climbers!
Cap Rock
Thought I'd find this area busy today
Oyster Bar area
Skull Rock